Below you will find an ever-growing list of resources and related projects. Check back often!
Whatcom Community Foundation
The Whatcom Farm-to-School program, and many other efforts to support sustainable agriculture, and increase access to healthy local food in Whatcom County, are made possible through the generosity of the Sustainable Whatcom Fund of the Whatcom Community Foundation.
Northwest Regional Farm-to-School Guide
The Northwest Regional Farm-to-School Guide is loaded with valuable information for schools in Island, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties that are making farm to school work. This guide is for parents, teachers, administrators, food service staff, school board members, and community organizations. It will help you connect with others who are committed to the same vision – the health of our kids and our communities.
Local Food Directory For Schools in Northwest WA
The Local Food Directory for Schools in Northwest Washington is designed for school food service and farm-to-school programs in Whatcom, Skagit, and Island Counties. It provides detailed information about farms that sell food to schools in each of the three counties.
Whatcom Food Network
The Whatcom Food Network is composed of the many organizations, agencies, and institutions playing a key role in strengthening the local and regional food system. The primary purpose of the WFN is to build common understanding and facilitate collaborative efforts toward an equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system for all.
WSDA Farm-to-School Toolkit
This WSDA Farm-to-School toolkit provides farms, schools, families, and communities with resources to help them meet their farm-to-school goals. Through stories, photos, templates, documents and more, the toolkit highlights farm-to-school and school garden successes and best practices.
National Farm-to-School Network
The National Farm to School Network (NFSN) is an information, advocacy and networking hub for communities working to bring local food sourcing and food and agriculture education into school systems and preschools.
See also National Farm-to-School Month
Sustainable Connections – Food and Farming Program
Sustainable Connections has excellent resources to facilitate and promote local food purchasing. Schools may be especially interested in Harvest of the Month materials and the Whatcom Food & Farm Finder.
Common Threads Farm
Common Threads is a Whatcom-based organization working to connect young people with healthy food through hands-on, seed-to-table educational experiences at school and in the community.
The Lunch Box
Tools and resources for school menu creation (including scalable and downloadable recipes), financial management, procurement, marketing, and engagement strategies.
Center For Ecoliteracy
This California-based non-profit organization focuses on ecological education in K-12 schools. The Center for Ecoliteracy has produced many wonderful publications including a downloadable guide called Rethinking School Lunch. This guide explains the rationale for reforming school food, and explores ten pathways to creating healthier school meals.