It all starts with just one teacher looking for a few lessons about healthy eating, a school nutrition director looking to incorporate more fresh and local food in school meals, an educator seeking activities for students in a school garden, or a parent concerned about the cafeteria environment that their child eats in each day. Farm to school is about ensuring that children have access to healthy food and are exposed to consistent, meaningful food education, because WHAT WE FEED OUR KIDS MATTERS! In an effort to coordinate and connect others with this same vision and a wealth of resources, the Whatcom Farm to School Support Team created the Northwest Regional Farm to School Guide. The 2nd edition is now available, completely updated and loaded with valuable information. Whether you’re a teacher, superintendent, food service employee, parent, or community member, farm to school offers a multitude of strategies for helping children make healthy food choices.
While the Northwest Regional Farm to School Guide focuses on Island, Skagit, San Juan and Whatcom counties, most of the resources included are relevant for those implementing farm to school programs anywhere. You may find it useful start with the “Go-to” Essentials highlighting national and Washington State farm to school resources, or you may be seeking information on a very specific topic area (e.g., promoting healthy eating at school, food education and curriculum resources, buying local food, and more!). There really is something for everyone in this guide.