What is Farm-to-School?
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What is Farm-to-School?

Across the nation there are over 40,000 schools with farm-to-school programs bringing more fresh, healthy, and locally produced foods into their cafeterias, including approximately 1200 schools in Washington state and all of the public schools in Whatcom County!

In 2009, the Whatcom Community Foundation’s Sustainable Whatcom Fund Committee launched a comprehensive farm-to-school initiative in Whatcom County.  From this initiative, the Whatcom Farm-to-School Support Team was formed, and pilot projects were launched by groups of parents, teachers, farmers, and Food Service staff in fifteen public and private schools. The momentum for farm-to-school in Whatcom County started to build, and in 2011, all eight public school districts joined forces to launch a county-wide Harvest of the Month Program. Each month, a fruit or vegetable that is in season locally is featured on the school lunch menu. If you have a child in a public school, you can support farm-to-school efforts by buying school lunch on Harvest of the Month days (the date is on your school lunch menu), and helping to spread the word!