Eating Local for the Holidays – and Every Day
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Eating Local for the Holidays – and Every Day

Holidays are a special time of year when we celebrate and share so many good things with family and friends, and give thanks for the abundance of the harvest. This holiday season look for new ways you can get more nutritious, tasty, and locally produced food on your family’s plate. Here are some easy ways to bring local food home:

  • Involve your kids in helping to shop for the seasonal Harvest of the Month items they are excited about at school—a visit to a local farm stand or farmers market is an adventure for your child.
  • At home, continue the adventure by cooking a simple recipe together. The more kids are involved with sourcing and preparing food, the more they will eat it.
  • Include seasonal, colorful, local produce in your holiday meal planning—try carrots sautéed or steamed with other veggies, or grated in a salad. For a flavor treat, add carrots to your favorite sweet potato or yam dish.
  • Consider getting a free-range locally raised turkey or chicken for your holiday centerpiece. The taste of local will wow your family.
  • Colorful food makes the holiday table festive. Try a mix of locally grown red, white, gold, and purple potatoes.
  • Locally grown apples are plentiful during the holidays. Fresh sliced apples served with cheese make an easy snack or appetizer. An apple pie, tart, cobbler, apple sauce, or dumplings can be a sweet beginning or ending to a joyous celebration.
Check out all the year-round ways to find seasonal fruits, nuts and veggies, while supporting your neighbors, local farmers, and the local economy at Enjoy the local harvest!

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